Organized accounts

  • Register of accountancy operations in the National accountancy system in accordance with the regime that the taxpayer fits in to, Bank and account conciliations;
  • Processing operations relating to assets (depreciation / impairments).

Fiscal representation for non residents (individuals and companies)

  • Inscription of taxpayers and obtainment of the respective tax numbers;
  • Representation of the taxpayers before the tax authorities;
  • Payment of taxs;
  • Filling in and submittance of tax declarations.

Non organized accounts (One man companies and liberal professionals)

  • Register of operations in obligatory registers;
  • Filling in and submittal of periodic VAT declarations and IRS declarations.

Fulfillment of individual and company fiscal obligations

  • Filling in and submittal of income declarations IRS/IRC;
  • Periodic VAT declarations;
  • Annual declarations/Simplified company information;
  • Vehicle tax;
  • Income tax retention declarations IRS/IRC.

Payroll and administrative management of human resources

  • Calculations and processing of the payrolls due to employees, wage slips, elaboration and submittal to insurance companies of holiday/remuneration;
  • Submittal of remuneration declarations to Social Security;
  • Management of the employee database.

Filling in of the annual report

  • Filling in and submittal of the annual report referent to the companies social activity, within the deadline provided by law.

Analytic and Management accounting

  • Register of accountancy operations in cost centers;
  • Management spreadsheets by cost center/analytic;
  • Various simulations for the year.

Monthly / quarterly periodic management reports

  • Exploration and analysis of spreadsheets;
  • Analytical balances.

Management support services

  • Monitoring and support to adopt in order to achieve better financial efficiency.

Fiscal advice

  • Simulation of taxes to pay based on financial information supplied;
  • Fiscal support and planning.

Support for the creation of new companies

  • Monitoring and advice to clients opening new companies.